With the official order to close all non-essential retail, the bookshop has had to cancel its individual bookshop visits but they’re still delivering awesome mystery bags full of books!
If you’re a book lover, or even if you’re not, we may have just found an awesome way for you to get through the quarantine. And that’s by ordering one of Capitol Hill Book’s mystery bags! Although the bookshop has now officially closed its doors to the public, they’re still shipping out bags full of random books individually curated to fit your tastes and budget.
It all started with one innocent email from a customer who was looking to get her money’s worth in great books and spice up her quarantine reading choices at the same time. Capitol Hill tweeted about it and well you can probably guess what happened next.
Favorite email of the day so far: “If I give you guys $100 can you send me a mystery bag of books?”
Yes. Yes we can.
— Capitol Hill Books (@chbooksdc) March 21, 2020
Here’s how it works, you email the bookstore and tell them how much you want to spend–$20, $50, $100, $200…it doesn’t matter– and you give them some parameters on what you like and voilá, Capitol Hill Books will come up with a set of random books that are just right for you! Super simple!
So. The deal is like this: tell us how much you want to spend. What authors/genres you like, and we’ll send you our picks and a price. Email info@capitolhillbooks-dc.com https://t.co/qSr64tQgct
— Capitol Hill Books (@chbooksdc) March 21, 2020
The initiative seems to be going pretty well for the bookstore which has its email overflowed with orders. And they’ll get to each and every one of them, it might just take them a little longer than expected.
Oh, and did I mention they’re shipping nation-wide? Well, they are! Free shipping is available for local orders, but if you’re willing to pay for your own shipping the bookstore doesn’t seem to have a problem with delivering your mystery bag of books all the way to Seattle!
— Capitol Hill Books (@chbooksdc) March 21, 2020
This awesome library has it all, rare books, great humor and now, awesome bags full of new and random books suited to your liking! So if you like a good surprise, I suggest you go ahead and order your literary survival kit at Capitol Hill Books and read your quarantine away!
Feature image: Capitol Hill Books via Twitter.
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