If you’ve grown up in the Washington, D.C. area, or if you’ve been around long enough, you may have already heard of or at least seen photos of the infamous “Presidents’ Heads” sculptures that are sitting out in the elements of southern Virginia.
What is ‘Presidents Park’?
If you aren’t familiar, the “Presidents’ Heads” sculptures were once part of an iconic tourist attraction near Williamsburg, Virginia called “Presidents Park”, which contained massive busts of the first 43 U.S. presidents ranging from 18 to 20 feet tall. The sculptures, created by artist David Adickes after Mount Rushmore inspired him, were a major attraction to the area until the park closed in 2010 and the sculptures were set to be destroyed.
To prevent what he considered a tragedy, a local family paid around $50,000 to purchase all 43 “President’s Heads” sculptures to relocate them to their property in Croaker, VA.
Unfortunately, during the moving process, all 43 sculptures were damaged beyond repair. Since then, they have been sitting on his property, making the ruins of this once-celebrated site an eerie yet iconic tourist attraction incredibly worth the visit!
How to visit the ruins of Presidents Park
You can visit the infamous “Presidents Heads” which are located on private property now by purchasing tickets on John Pashal’s website or on his events page.
John is not the owner of the property or the “Presidents Heads” sculptures, but he does have an agreement in place with the owners that allows him to host events and tours every few months.
Once you get your tickets, you’ll receive an email with more information about your visit, during which you will be allowed to explore the area as you wish and be free to take as many pictures as you want.
Those who are interested in history will also be able to learn a great deal about American history during the visit, something that we think makes this experience so great, it’s unique, informative, engaging, and fun!