Well, it’s official…
Pest control company Orkin released its yearly round-up survey on the rattiest cities in the United States and determined that Washington D.C. is one of the top 5 most rat-infested cities in the country, which makes it the second year in a row we’ve been ranked amongst the top 5.
Fortunately, Washington D.C.’s rat problem isn’t the worst that Orkin encountered this year during their survey. We ranked at #4 in their yearly survey as the fourth rattiest city in the country, with the top three spots being taken by the usual suspects in this exact order:
- Chicago
- Los Angeles
- New York
On the other hand, the nearby cities of Baltimore and Richmond both also ranked highly in this national survey, with Baltimore coming at #7 and Richmond being ranked at #29.
There’s certainly no shortage of rodents running around the biggest cities across our country.
How to avoid rats
The bad news is that rats can be difficult to eliminate once they establish themselves, but the good news is that it’s relatively easy to mitigate the risk of any rats moving into your property, and fortunately, most of it is pretty easy.
Keep food waste and perishable items securely contained, which seems pretty common sense but is actually one of the leading causes of rodent infestations. Make sure your property, whether it be an apartment, a house, or even a business, is properly disposing of unused or uneaten food. In restaurants, the top priority should be securely storing all ingredients in locked storage like a fridge or freezer and making sure all containers are sealed with tight lids. This practice should also extend to often overlooked food waste items, such as kitchen grease, which can build up quickly and attract unwanted furry pests.
What to do if you have rats
If you aren’t sure if you have a rat or mouse problem you should be checking for the common signs:
- Droppings.
- Scurrying noises in the walls or ceilings.
- Rub marks on the walls or floor from grease or dirt.
- Gnaw marks on any containers, walls, wood, or wires.
- Nests made up of shredded paper, cotton, packing material, or fabric.
If you are positive that you are dealing with a rodent issue and you want to file a complaint, you should go online or call 311. However, if you do come across an abundance of rats that need to be removed immediately or anyone has been bitten by a rat, then immediately call animal control:(202) 576-6664.